Research Engineer Nazim Medzhidov will give a presentation at the “Chem-Bio Informatics Society(CBI) ONLINE Annual Meeting 2020”

Elix’s research engineer Nazim Medzhidov will be speaking at the “CBI Society ONLINE Annual Meeting 2020: Robotic Laboratory Automation of Drug Discovery Research in the AI Era” which will be held from October 27th to 30th, 2020.

– Overview of the Oral Presentation Program
Date and time: Friday, October 30th, 13:00 – 14:30
Presentation detail:
Oral Presentation 7: Drug Discovery/Clinical application (Focused on COVID-19)(Molecular Recognition)
“Predicting inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 RNA- dependent RNA polymerase using machine learning” presented by Nazim Medzhidov

For more information about our corporate sessions at the CBI Society ONLINE Annual Meeting 2020, please check this article.