Four research engineers from Elix will give oral presentations at the “Chem-Bio Informatics Society (CBI) Annual Meeting 2022”
We are pleased to announce that four research engineers from Elix will give oral presentations on the latest research at the “CBI Society Annual Meeting 2022: New Concepts in Medicine -Next Generation Modalities and Digital Therapy-.”
– Overview of the Oral Presentation
Oral Presentation Title: <Oral Presentation O4> “Data Science/Bioinformatics”
Chair: Tomohiro Sato (RIKEN), Yayoi Natsume (National Institute of Biomedical Innovation)
Date and time: Tuesday, October 25th, 15:30 – 17:00
Venue: Tower Hall Funabori, 4F, Seminar Room
Presenters from Elix and their presentation title:
Haris Hasic (Elix, Inc.) “Evaluating Computer-assisted Single-step Retrosynthesis: How Significant are Recent Improvements?”
Title of Oral Presentation: <Oral Presentation O5> “Drug Discovery Applications (2)”
Chair: Takashi Ikegami (Molsis Inc.), Masakazu Sekijima (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Date and time: Wednesday, October 26th, 13:30 – 15:00
Venue: Tower Hall Funabori, 2F, Zuiun
Presenters from Elix and their presentation title:
David Jimenez Barrero (Elix, Inc.) “Active Learning via Incremental Revelation: Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors Case Study”
Joshua Owoyemi (Elix, Inc.) “SmilesFormer: Language Model for Molecular Design”
Nazim Medzhidov (Elix, Inc.) “Hit to Lead Discovery of Benzylpiperidine Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors Using Generative Models: a Retrospective Case Study”
Website of CBI Annual Meeting 2022